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Inkle Weaving
Facebook group link and password
Exclusive band design for challenge members, text & PDF
Live video 1 Facebook group - Welcome to the challenge (13:50)
Live video 2 Facebook group - Heddle sizes, end threads (21:24)
Live video 3 Facebook group - Raktres software (14:20)
Live video 4 Facebook group - Ways to use your bands (17:04)
Welcome, video (1:32)
What is an inkle loom? Video (6:07)
What do I need for inkle weaving? Video (3:29)
Suitable yarns for weaving inkle bands, video (5:39)
A word about colour, video (2:09)
Designing an inkle band
Using a colour wrap card, video (3:11)
Use an online stripes generator, video (5:06)
How to use a pattern editor online, video 1 (7:05)
How to use a pattern editor online, video 2 (12:39)
String heddles
How to make your own string heddles, video (3:07)
Weave an inkle band
The Pattern Draft, printable PDF
Inkle Band essential information, printable PDF
Setting up to warp, video (3:42)
Positioning the tensioning peg, video (1:25)
Warping, video 1 (9:33)
Warping, video 2 (9:08)
Warping, video 3 (7:55)
Warping, video 4 (14:30)
Warping, video 5 (9:29)
Warping, video 6 (3:12)
Finishing your warp ends, video (2:18)
Tightening the tension, video (1:14)
Changing sheds, video (3:09)
Winding a belt shuttle, video (2:16)
Weaving the band, video 1 (12:46)
Weaving the band, video 2 (1:59)
Hemstitching, video (11:01)
Weaving the band, video 3 (3:52)
Hemstitch the other end, video (5:31)
When to finish weaving, video (3:57)
Removing your band from the loom, video (2:41)
Finishing and tidying, video (3:51)
Weft tension too loose, video (4:43)
Weft tension too tight, video (3:06)
Warp tension, video (5:11)
What to do if you run out of weft thread, video (2:37)
Advance your warp, video (6:06)
Getting comfortable, video (2:13)
Dealing with the last warp thread, video (3:44)
How to separate your weaving, video (3:36)
Adjusting the last warp thread when advancing the warp, video (2:05)
Trouble with loose warp threads? Video (2:35)
Finishing/ fringes ideas
Twisted fringe, video (4:51)
Braided/ plaited fringe, video (4:32)
Weaving a slit in your band
How to weave a slit, video (12:22)
Tubular Band
Tubular band essential information, printable PDF
Warping, video (8:58)
Weaving, plain weave, video (3:00)
Weaving, method one, video (9:51)
Weaving, method two, video (4:18)
Weaving, methods three and four, video (11:52)
The finished band, video (1:07)
Baltic Pick Up
Baltic band, essential information, printable PDF
Suggested yarns, video (6:03)
How to read a baltic pick up pattern chart, video (14:19)
Alternative way to read the pattern chart, video (4:27)
Alternative pattern chart, printable PDF
Warping, video 1 (7:49)
Warping, video 2 (8:45)
A look at the layers, video (2:47)
Weaving, video 1 (9:24)
Weaving, video 2 (5:06)
Weaving, video 3 (7:40)
Weaving, video 4 (7:39)
Weaving, video 5 (13:00)
Weaving, video 6 (7:54)
Another finishing option, video (4:52)
Additional resources for inkle weaving
My Pinterest
Free blog posts and tutorials
Thank you and Gallery
Thank you, video (0:15)
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Warping, video 6
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